A Dietitian reviewing another Dietitian’s book…this should be interesting right? More like HiLaRiOuS!! I had the opportunity to meet David Grotto RD/LDN at a Food & Nutrition Conference in Boston a couple of years ago. Initially, I thought “any man who markets himself as ‘the Guyatitian’ has to know what he is talking about” and I was right. I soon started to follow
@davidgrotto on Twitter and have laughed and learned a lot from him. I had to review his book: 101 Optimal Life Foods to see if his enthusiasm for nutrition and quirky sense of humor transpired into his written work. Oh and it does! David Grotto has written a book focusing on seven health issues:
• The Skin You’re In: Aging & Damaged Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis, & Acne
• Go With The Flow: Cold Feet (and Hands) & Leg Cramps
• House Of Pain: Migraine Headaches, Muscle Pains, & Nerve Pain
• It’s All About Performance
o Mental Performance: Cognitive Decline, Depression, Stress/Anxiety, & Insomnia
o Physical Performance: Fatigue
o Sexual/Reproductive Performance: Erectile Dysfunction, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Infertility, Female Libido, & Menopause
• Check Your Plumbing: Constipation/Diverticular Disease, Diarrhea, GERD, Halitosis (bad breath), Gas, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, & Urinary Tract Infections
• A Good Foundation: Osteoporosis/Osteopenia, Arthritis, & Degenerative Disc Disease
• Eyes On The Future: Age-Related Macular Degeneration
This is why I love this book: I have read and read and read a million “diet” books that have both angered me as a professional and make me laugh out loud at their ridiculous claims. David Grotto keeps it true to the core: nutrition is medicine and in order to heal yourself, you have to give your body the nutrition & fuel it needs for prevention and recovery. This book is insightful, providing explanations into the health issues, what you can do to heal your body using nutrition, and he provides 3-day sample menus of how to incorporate these foods into your diets. The recipes are delicious & two of my favorite recipes are the Quick Pumpkin Smoothie & Raspberry Yogurt Muffins. Everyone in my family enjoyed the smoothies & muffins, but I would suggest you take David’s advice and use a glaze of confectioners’ sugar mixed with lemon juice for a little added sweetness on the muffins!

This book would be a perfect gift for the Holidays for anyone who is looking for a guilt-free reference on how to make healthy choices in their diet. Wrap this book in some pretty ribbon along with a nice bamboo cutting board and you will be sure to please! Of course you must all know that I have my own copy of this book and was not compensated in any way for this review. This is my honest opinion as a Registered Dietitian that another Registered Dietitian has written an excellent book & please check out his website
David Grotto's Nutrition Housecall because there is an awesome video of some hardcore accordion playing as well!