
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sometimes I work on weekends

It's true, sometimes I do work on weekends.  I work as a Cheerleader.  Whether it is cheering on my amazing interns that throw the coolest one-mile-fun-run at the local YMCA Turkey Trot 5K/10K...or when I am cheering on my daughter who placed 2nd in the fun-run because "I didn't want first place because a lot of the kids were younger than me, so I wanted one of them to win".  I must be doing something right.  Here are my interns Chris and Richard as Josie & Joe Bear:

And here is my daughter, rocking out at the fun-run!

I think being a Cheerleader is my favorite job.  I love telling my Interns and my kids that they can do anything.  They CAN do ANYTHING in life.  I now know that I can do anything.  I could go to med school and do awesome at it.  I can write a book.  I can learn to sail.  I can do anything. 

I can be a Cheerleader.  As a a an Internship a wife...I am a Cheerleader.  Who do you cheer for?

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