
Friday, October 28, 2016

Lose the Gym & Still Get Fit and Strong

f you're looking for a way to improve your general wellbeing and to lose weight you might be considering a gym membership. Some people just don't like the gym though and feel time spent there can be intimidating. There are so many ways to workout from home it would be silly not to thoroughly research that option too. Here are some ideas to kick-start a new keep-fit without the gym regime...

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Join a local team

Whether you love to kick a soccer ball around or simply love to run track, team-sport is one sure way to get the adrenaline pumping. Not only will you increase your heart rate, release endorphins and get the blood pumping; you'll also make new friends. A competitive edge can be a real motivator to getting fit so joining a team is potentially a great way to lose weight. And if you are a parent, this is a great way to be a role model to your children by participating in activity!

Ditch the car

Incidental exercise is sometimes overlooked. One of the best to breathe in more fresh air and exercise your limbs is to walk more than you drive and be more active. This can be tricky if you're used to relying on your car but just think, you'll save on gas money too! Wear sneakers that fit properly and go for a big long walk. It's also a great way to see where you live from a different perspective too! My husband and I love to go for walks when we drop off the kids at soccer practice. Sure, we could be running errands or sitting on the field and watching the kids run drills, but this is actually something we look forward to because it gives us a chance to catch up on the events of the day and get some good movement in.

Invest in some equipment

If you enjoy what you get to do at the gym but don't enjoy the atmosphere, investing in some decent equipment might be a viable option for you. There are some amazing exercise bikes for sale at the moment that will cover a variety of needs. You could also try out skipping ropes in the garden and dumbbells when you're watching TV. There are some many different pieces of apparatus on the market it's well worth doing your research. I love kettle bells for a quick full-body workout and have been spoiled to have a weightlifting platform in my garage.

Turn chores into calorie loss

One really creative way to get yourself moving more is to put some music on loudly and workout while you're doing the chores! It sounds ridiculous, but you'll be surprised how active you are when you're vacuuming the sitting room. Wear your sneakers to get you into the right frame of mind and add in some sit-ups, push-ups, and body squats when the moment takes you. Make a playlist of your favorite songs to get in the groove. Lately, Nathanial Ratliff & the Night Sweats are my jam when I am cooking it up in my test kitchen. Even dancing while cooking can burn calories! Seriously - give it a go!

Utilize YouTube videos

There are so many amazing workout videos on YouTube these days, and they're not at all amateur! Some channels are solely dedicated to exercise, and you can feel like you have a personalize workout routine. Check out a few channels and videos before you start to exercise, and then figure out when you're going fit working out into your schedule. I did this when I first got my spin bike and found a lot of youtube videos with spin workouts & even spin playlists!

If you manage to complete just one workout routine every single day you'll feel an immense sense of pride. You truly don't need the gym to get fit and healthy, you just need some drive and dedication.


  1. Thanks for this useful tips to keep yourself fit and smart by simply performing house chore or any other kind of business. Its much needed and we all need such type of motivation

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