
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Updates in the life of a PhD

Hello Everyone!

After many unexpected set-backs, I am now in the thick of my dissertation work for my PhD. My data collection has started for my PhD dissertation project & it has brought forth many feelings. Many, many feelings. This whole process has been a little bit of a rollercoaster. Someday I will share with you all the story of how I became a Dietitian but in a nutshell, I am non-traditional student. I have been a parent the entire time I have pursued my education. I received my Associate of Science  & Bachelor of Science & Dietetic Internship to become a Registered Dietitian from the time my oldest daughter was 1 1/2 years old until she was 8. I had my second daughter during that time and she was 3 1/2 when I finished the DI and became a RD. The internship counted towards half of a Master of Arts degree in Dietetics, so I finished that. And I thought I as finished.